Lose weight in 3 steps. How to get fit for the new year in 1 month

Four weeks before the New Year: enough time to work on yourself. Every sport problem starts with health, and during this time you will lose 20 kilograms. If you forget excuses and work hard, you can be comfortable in the same dress at the same time, or just button a treacherous flying button on your pants.

Weight loss in 3 steps per month

You can take the recommendations as punishment or believe in yourself and understand: there is nothing complicated. For just four weeks we forget about genetics, heredity, broad bones and apathy. Don't worry: January is the time to learn how to rehabilitate and get back in shape after the tables are filled with New Year's dishes.

Start eating

You have heard dozens of times about the dangers of low carb diets, mishaps, setbacks, but you may think: it will work for you. Trust me noThe body is smarter and will still take its toll: consider if it's worth it. You sit on apples and kefir for a few days, but as soon as the body gives a signal, start eating without stopping. Worse, you break hormonal balance, which cannot be corrected by diet and exercise alone.

eat the right foods for weight loss frequently

Eat more often, but not sugar, rolls, sweets, and wine. Exercise for breakfast if you haven't already. Porridge with delicious milk, toast with avocado, quark or fish, muesli. For lunch - chicken, turkey, fish or a side dish with salad. Dinner - protein and fiber that should be a must have in the refrigerator.

It is green vegetables and salads that are essential for healthy, efficient digestion and weight loss. Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy intestinal flora. It prevents hunger from occurring and limits overeating.

If you are hungry, take snacks with you: apples, chopped vegetables, nuts, protein bars or organic bars. This will keep you from going to the grocery store hungry for a 700 calorie candy bar or bun.

And above all: increase the water consumption to two liters or more if you are feeling well.

Normalize sleep

Correct, high quality sleep provides strength and strength, the body feels "safe" and you feel rested. This helps the metabolism and prevents excess debris from building up on the sides.

Proper, high quality sleep is a prerequisite for losing weight

You need to go to bed before midnight, preferably earlier. Melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep, works wonders for the body and obesity. During sleep, the internal organs and processes continue to work, with fat being destroyed to store energy.


The only thing that works in losing weight is a calorie deficit that you are consuming less than you are spending. Set goals and accelerate your rate. Walk an hour after breakfast and an hour before bed. If possible, replace transportation with walking.

Replace travel with going for weight loss

Work out at home, try yoga or stretching, leave the office for a coffee break, and sign up for the gym for a month. Yes, it's already dark outside during the day and it's hard to force yourself to have breakfast - let alone imagine yourself stepping on a treadmill. Hence, your motivation and topic priorities are included here: leave everything as it is, including the previous occurrence, or overcome laziness and start each activity. Challenge yourself to have more exercise than usual.

Do yoga or gymnastics at home for weight loss

If you still have strength and desire, sign up for a massage, go to the bathhouse, work on your posture or your face.